Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Michael Vlahos wrote "Entering the Infoshpehere." In this chapter of the book, vlahos talks and describes what an infoshpere is. He says that " The Infosphere is shorthand for the fusion of all the world's communications networks, databases and sources of information into a vast, intertwined and heterogeneous tapestry of electronic interchange." Vlahos thinks that the Infoshpere has potential to bring everyone together into one place. The infosphere is changing us through a strange combination of technology and culture, Vlahos says. We are quickly moving to the infoshpere, even though it is a distant reality. We are entering the infosphere through an object. That object being, usually a pc or a new mac.
Michael vlahos idea of infoshpere is very interesting. I think that he is making a very valid argument in this chapter. By saying that our culture is moving faster and faster and faster and faster into a technologically advanced world, we are moving farther and farther and farther and farther away from what we Americans think is the good life. For example all of the technology could be taking time away from our families. We spend much more time buried in the internet or maybe a game that we forget that what we really long for is personal social interaction. Vlahos brings up the argument that all of this new technology could actually bring us closer to our family or friends. By making our work life easier, where we don't have to travel to talk to other companies. We might not even have to leave the comfort of our own homes to go to work every morning. We could just as easily do our work online and over the phone. But I feel as though this argument is very false. This technology has been out already for a number of years, and if it was going to bring us closer to our families than it would have already. But it is only distracting us even more than we already were. We are to focused on all our new shiny technology that it distracts us from the people that are supposed to be closest to us, which is our family and friends.

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