Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You-Yes, You are time's person of the year, RESPONSE,9171,1570810,00.html 
             Lev Grossman, a journalist for Time magazine wrote an article in 2006 entitled "You- Yes, You- Are Time's Person of the Year." In it Grossman talks about how most people think of the history of the world mainly as the most powerful and wealthy people's biography. But Lev says that that theory has been destroyed, especially in this year. He says that its not about the powerful politicians or the fortune 500 companies or the conflicts of the world. History is made up of the average citizens. Its all about communities and families working together, and we have begun to see that much more than previous generations. Grossman says that the way that these communities have been making so much change in our generation is the World Wide Web. Its the tool that you can upload videos or share photos with your friends, all from your home. Its about bringing people together. Grossman says "This is an opportunity to build a new kind of international understanding, not politician to politician, great man to great man, but citizen to citizen, person to person."
              I believe that Grossman definately has a point in this article, about how the internet has changed our culture for the good and that it is making us a stronger community, but then again I would tend to disagree with him. I know that the internet is a great tool that has definitely changed our society from how we get our news to the entertainment we watch, but I think that the more interesting and powerful the internet becomes the more it is taking away from socializing. For some people their whole life is on their computer, they go to school and work online. But that takes away from meeting people out in the real world.

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